These are drawings. That I drew. They're mine. Do you like them? I do.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Where's my round piano-organ-thing at? I'm sad.

Hoo hoop hoorah! It's everyone's favourite circular keyboard synthesizer whatsit player: Max Rebo! Max here hails from the planet Krilmo, where all the inhabitants look vaguely like stuffed toys of elephants or something. He likes donuts, soft-serve ice cream, and chesterfields.


Blogger Mirco said...

judging from his close I bet he dosen't get a lot of soft served ice cream. Or he has to pay through the nose to get it, and thats a long nose.

Monday, March 26, 2007 at 6:32:00 PM GMT-6

Blogger A-R Dumont said...

Mirco, don't you know, he probably wears that diaper because it's comfortable, not because it's cheap.

I bet he does eat lots of soft serve ice cream, and I bet his favorite flavour is peanut butter, or maybe cotton candy. Don't cry, Max. I don't have a piano, but come lie on my chesterfield and I shall pet you. There, there.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007 at 8:17:00 AM GMT-6

Blogger Ben said...

They have these soft serve ice cream flavours????? What the deuce? Why was I not informed?!?

Also, he does tend to leave stains on chesterfields . . .

Saturday, March 31, 2007 at 12:03:00 AM GMT-6

Blogger Andrew Glazebrook said...

Super pic,very funny !!!

Sunday, April 29, 2007 at 9:04:00 AM GMT-6


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